Autopercepção em saúde bucal: a visão de profissionais do canto
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Caires, B. M. . de L. ., Souza Neves Ramos, H., Silva da Silva, A. C., & Silva da Silveira, A. D. (2020). Autopercepção em saúde bucal: a visão de profissionais do canto. APO Digital Journal, 3(2), 11–22.


It is known that some changes that require clinical diagnosis and dental treatments may interfere with the performance of the singer; however, these professionals do not always perceive. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the self-perception of singers about their oral health and, secondarily, if this interferes in speech and singing according to the subject of this research. For this purpose, a link to the online questionnaire was sent by email to professionals and non-professionals singers from several locations inside and outside Brazil aged between 18 to 60 years. 107 professional and non-professional singers participated in the research. Data analysis was performed using the analytical and descriptive statistic, considering the power of the test of 95% and the error α of 5%. The results showed significant association between variables: degree of academic training and satisfaction with speech, and between singing career time and satisfaction with oral health (p <0.05). The relationship between the variables suggests that singers who use a vocal technique that requires more training, as in the erudite style, as well as those who have a higher academic degree and a longer singing career, have better satisfaction with oral health. On the other hand, among the lyrical singers, the majority reported at least one oral health condition or change and reported the interference in the singing negatively.
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