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Esmalte dentário
Hipoplasia do esmalte
Microabrasão do esmalte Dental enamel
Enamel hypoplasia
Enamel microabrasion

How to Cite

Souza, A. P. M., Araújo, M. V. de A., & Emmi, D. T. (2021). MICROABRASION OF ENAMEL AS A CONSERVATIVE SOLUTION AND MINIMALLY INVASIVE FOR A DENTAL AESTHETIC: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON THE EMPLOYED TECHNIQUES. APO Digital Journal, 4(1), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.5935/2526-8155.20200003


The aesthetic changes caused by the color change of the dental elements present as the main complaints in the dental offices and represent a challenge for dentists. Enamel microabrasion is a safe, easy-to-use, conservative technique that, when properly applied, is a good alternative for the treatment of superficial enamel stains. The technique is based on the concomitant use of an acid with abrasive agent applied on the affected dental surface. The objective of this study is perform a literature review, to discuss the state of the art and the different techniques employed. The databases Pubmed, Scielo, Bireme, Lilacs, Google Scholar and Periódicos Capes were used to search for articles on the subject, published in the last twenty five years. Over the years different abrasive substances, types and concentrations of acids were used. Currently, 6% hydrochloric acid combined with silicon carbide or 37% phosphoric acid associated with pumice stone are the most commonly used products for performing the technique. In both, the aesthetic results are satisfactory, with little dental wear, safety of application, regularization of the enamel structure and recovery of the color pattern, meeting the expectations of the patient. Thus, it can be said that the use of enamel microabrasion should be the technique of first choice when a minimally invasive approach is desired.

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